MCA Life Members

Ari Morton
Carnegie, Batman's Hill and Ashwood.
Ari entered the MCA in the 1998/99 season as a player with Carnegie and has been a fixture ever since playing 250 games for Carnegie, 32 for Batman's Hill and 76 and counting with Ashwood. At Carnegie he served as Vice President for three seasons and Delegate to the MCA for six more seasons. At Ashwood Ari has served as the Treasurer for five seasons. He served as a Club Delegate on the MCA Executive committee for six seasons and as the Vice President of the MCA for 12 seasons and counting. Ari's contributions to his club(s) and to the MCA saw him become the 33rd Life Member of the Association in 2023.
John Sexton
Ashburton and MCUA.
John first played in MCA in 1998 until Ashburton withdrew in 2004. He joined MCUA in 2009 and became Appointments Officer in 2012. Twice winner of the Simon Phillips Best Umpire Award and was the inaugural winner of the Adrian Crawley Memorial Captains Award. He has served on the MCUA Committee since 2015/16, President from 2018/19-2020/21 and MCUA Treasurer since 2021/22. John has carried on the legacy that Simon Phillips left of building and maintaining a strong umpiring panel and became the 32nd Life Member of the Association in 2021.

David McNamara
Coles Sharks and Bentleigh.
David first appeared in the MCA in the 1986/87 season as a talented young cricketer for Coles Myer. During his time with Coles he won numerous batting and bowling awards, was a premiership player and captain. He held every position on the club’s committee and captain each of the club’s team fostering through new talent. He is a Life Member of the Coles Sharks Cricket Club and has been a member of the Mercantile’s Executive committee since 2007. As secretary of the Association between 2009 and 2018, David oversaw the fasted growth period of the Association as the Public voice and face of the MCA. David became the 31st Life Member of the Association in 2017.
Tom Hickie
Tom served the MCA as treasurer for a dozen years from 2002-03 to 2013-14. A founding partner in an eastern suburbs accountancy firm, Tom’s sound fiscal acumen and prudent management served the association well during his tenure. Tom’s dedication to his club Canterbury as a player and Committee/Executive member since 1997, and the MCA is widely appreciated and became the associations 30th life member in 2014.

William Craddock
National Bank.
Joined MCA in 1978. Bill served as Treasurer 1993/94-1994/95, Vice President 1997/98-1999/00. He was President for the 2000/01 and 2001/02 seasons and resumed the role in 2006/07 and still holds that position making him President for a total of 20 years and counting. He has also been, and continues to be, the MCA delegate to the VMCU, a position he has held for 23 years. He is a Life Member of the National Cricket Club. Made the 29th Life Member of the MCA in 2012.

Paul Balesia
Gunbower United and the MCUA.
First played in 1986/87. MCUA MEMBER since 1996 and VCAUSA member since 1995. MCA TREASURER 1998/2002. MCUA SECRETARY 1998-2005. UMPIRE ADVISOR since 2006/07. Twice voted umpire of the year by MCA Captains. His tireless and good- natured service has been instrumental in revitalising the MCAU in that time. Made the 28th Life Member of the association in 2008.

Alec S. Kahn
First played in 1987 and shows no signs of giving the game away. Registration and Match Secretary since 1992 meaning he has been 32 seasons in the roll. Part of dynamic duo with Simon Phillips which popularised the Association in 1990s, returning it to a position of strength as an inner city competition. Made a Life Member in 2006.

Simon J.P. Phillips
Gunbower United and the MCUA.
First played in 1984. Secretary 1992-2003. Treasurer 1997. With Alec Kahn, responsible for extensive modernisation and expansion of the MCA in 1990s. MCUA President 1992-2003 and Appointments Officer since 1992. VCAUSA member 1993-2004. VCAUSA Secretary 2003. Made a Life Member in 2004.
Alex Brown
Fawkner Park Curator.
His dedication and skill over three decades in Fawkner Park, South Yarra, has been one of the strengths of the Association, and has brought pleasure to many. Made a Life Member in 2002.
Joseph Sarteschi
Coles Myer and the MCUA.
First played in 1974. Delegate 1978. Registration Secretary 1989. Over twenty years continuous service to the Association. Senior umpire when made a Life Member in 1999.
Neil Reid
Australian Post-Tel Institute and Barnawartha North.
First played in 1973. Delegate 1976, Secretary 1982-1985. Vice-President 1989-1995, President 1995-1997. Made a Life Member of the Association in 1999.
Graham H. Roper
Fawkner Colts, Melbourne Park and Yarra Park.
First played in 1976. Delegate 1984. Chairman of Executive Committee 1986, Secretary 1987-1992, and President 1992- 1995. Delegate to CUOV 1986-1996, and Secretary of that Executive and Delegate to VCA 1990-1996. With his wife Wendy Roper, Treasurer and Registration Secretary 1988-1995, helped to restore the fortunes of the Association. The Ropers are proud to have contributed to making the Association what it is today. Made a Life Member in 1997.
Tom Thoburne ASM
Eighteen years service, enjoying many years as the Association’s senior umpire. Loved and respected by all. Made a Life Member in 1996, awarded the Australian Sports Medal in 2000.
Rodger Grosvenor
Coles, Fawkner Colts and Melbourne Park.
First played in 1964. CUOV Delegate for seven years. Made a Life Member in 1985.
Ian M. Fraser
ANZ Bank.
Delegate 1949. Assistant Secretary 1951. Treasurer 1952-1966. Made a Life Member in 1968.
Donald J. McDonald ASM
Gas and Fuel Corporation Meter Department.
First played in 1936. Delegate 1947. Registration Secretary 1949-1951. Secretary 1952-1969. Vice-President 1969-1972. President 1972-1989. Attended the Association’s 25th, 50th and 75th anniversary celebrations. Made a Life Member in 1966, awarded the Australian Sports Medal in 2000.
Les Sinclair
M. Persin.
Delegate 1937. Executive Committee member 1947-1951. Vice-President and Registration Secretary 1952-1970. Made a Life Member in 1962.
George G. Weaver
Commercial Bank.
Delegate in 1932. Auditor for 25 years from 1934, Vice-President 1948. Made a Life Member in 1958.
Les C. Jennings
Metropolitan Gas Company Meter Department.
Delegate 1946. Secretary 1947-1951. Assistant Secretary 1951. Vice-President 1955. Chairman of Committees 1960. VJCU Delegate from 1946, Chairman of that Executive 1961. Made a Life Member in 1954.
Fred McConchie
Made a Life Member in 1950s.
W. Bruce Cabena
Myer (Melbourne).
Delegate 1932. Executive Committee member 1934- 1939. Secretary 1939-1947. Vice-President 1947-1950. Made a Life member in 1947.
Stewart Ross
J. Kitchen and Sons.
Delegate in 1930. Executive Committee member 1933-1949. First Registration Secretary 1934-1948. Made a Life Member in 1940.
John R. McPherson
Melbourne Electricity Supply.
Delegate 1929. Executive Committee member 1931-1939. Vice-President 1932-1948. Made a Life Member in 1938.
Stewart James
Buckley and Nunn.
Delegate 1926. Executive Committee member 1931-1939. Vice-President 1931-1937. Made a Life Member in 1937.
William Ravenscroft
Brooks Lemos.
Delegate in 1927. Elected to Executive of the Association from 1930 to 1935. Appointed Auditor in 1930. Made a Life Member in 1936.
Eric Ormond Baker OBE
Myer (Melbourne).
President 1930-1960. In conjunction with Messrs. Winter, Sparkes and Wootton, was in control during the golden years of the Association between 1930 and 1940, when the strength of the Association rose to 52 teams with over a thousand registered players in A Grade and four sections of B Grade’, with the top grade standard on a par with Sub-District. Made a Life Member in 1933. Elected Patron in Chief in 1960. Will always be remembered as “A tower of strength in building up the traditions of the Mercantile Cricket Association and gave pleasure to many”.
Jack Winter
British Australian Tobacco Company.
Vice-President 1927. First Chairman of Committees 1931-1946. VJCU representative and Chairman of that Executive. Made a Life Member in 1930. A great service to cricket interests.
Fred S. Wootton
The Age.
Attended the formation meeting. Assistant Secretary 1925-1942. Treasurer 1925-1951. Vice-President and Deputy Chairman of Committees 1946. Chairman of Committees 1947, President 1960-1972. Made a Life Member in 1928. A lifetime of service to the Association.
Edgar G. Chisholm
Melbourne Electric Supply.
Vice-President 1926. President 1927-1930. Made a Life Member in 1928.
Jim Sparkes
The Age.
Attended the formation meeting of the Association. Secretary 1925-1939. Played a major part in the building of the Association. Made a Life Member in 1926.
Max Bleechmore
British Imperial Oil Company (later Shell Company).
One of the foundation members, Vice-President in the first year of the Association. President 1923-1927. Made a Life Member in 1925.
Ernie J. Highham
J. Kitchen and Sons.
A leading member of the formation committee. Appointed the first Secretary of the Association and occupied that position for three years. Made a Life Member in 1924.
Charles H. Jones
The Argus.
One of the men who convened a meeting on 26 June 1922, when the Association was formed, and a leading spirit in the organisation. Became the first President, and occupied the position for one year. Made a Life Member in 1923.