ALL CLUBS are reminded to advise the number of guests from their club that will be attending the event to President Bill Craddock, along with any SPECIAL MEALS or dietary restrictions, by no later than 16/4/24. If your club has no attendees this needs to be confirmed to Bill as well.
There is a total restriction on guests at 170 total and no more than 10 per table.
Date : Saturday 4th of May. 7pm for a 7:30pm sharp start
Venue : Windy Hill, Essendon Football Club
RSVP : Either by SMS 0421026304 or by email williamcraddock@hotmail.com by 16th of April.
Guest Speaker : Chris Harris Dress Code : Smart casual. NO DEMIN allowed
Meal : Two Course Meal. Drinks are at bar prices, tea and coffee is provided.